Pool Contractors

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Best Area for Pool Construction

There are a lot of things to consider in pool construction. One of these is the area or location of the pool. It is necessary to plan thoroughly which area in your house is the perfect place for your pool. 

Look for a spot in your backyard where you can construct your pool. The backyard is the best place to situate your pool since it is an open space and your pool will not interrupt other equipment and stuffs in your house. 

swimming pool construction

Why it is advisable to construct the pool in the backyard?

1. Space

Backyard has a wider space than any other area around your house. Since constructing a pool requires much space, it will be appropriate to have it in an area where pool construction workers can work and move freely. One more thing, once your pool has been fully constructed it would be nice if you can put up a patio or deck in your pool area for more exciting everyday pool experience.

2. Ventilation

Proper ventilation in the pool area is also important. Since the backyard is an open space, air can circulate all over the area providing the needed ventilation for swimmers. 

3. Lighting

Swimming can be more fun and safe if there is appropriate lighting around the pool area. Situating your pool in the backyard can provide free lighting during day time without the need to use pool lights. You can save money and energy when you construct your pool in an open area and you can also ensure the safety of your family day and night. 

swimming pool

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quick Tips on Swimming Pool Construction

swimming pool construction

Swimming pool is an expensive investment. Construction of a pool requires skills, knowledge and of course, budget. Since you are dealing with a home improvement project, you have to be aware of the things to consider in swimming pool construction. 

Here are some helpful tips on swimming pool construction:

1. Do a little research

swimming pool constructionTips and information on swimming pool construction can be found on books, magazines and even on the internet. It is necessary to do a little research first before you plan out everything. Look for information regarding the construction process, materials to be used and the costs of the needed materials and accessories. This will help you be aware of the whole construction process.

swimming pool construction2. Determine what pool type do your want

While doing your research, you will surely get across topics on different pool types. Better study the two different types of pool, the inground and the above ground pool, then choose what type suits your desire and your budget as well. 

3. Make a time table

swimming pool construction
In your time table, indicate all the steps in pool construction as well as the required time for each step. Also take note the needed manpower to make sure that the construction process will run smoothly. This will prevent time shortage as well as skipping some necessary steps. 

swimming pool construction4. Estimate the budget

List down all the needed pool materials and accessories with the corresponding prices. It is necessary to make a breakdown of the expenses so you will have an idea on how much money does the whole pool construction process need. 

5. Hire skilled and professional pool contractors

swimming pool construction

Be wise in hiring people that will work for your pool. If possible, do some background checking for each worker for security purposes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Choosing the Right Contractors for Your Swimming Pool

Constructing a new swimming pool is a lengthy task, but thankfully, this process just got easier. This is because there are now Pool Contractors available that would help you construct your pool in no time and with less effort from you.  Here are some pointers that you may consider in choosing your pool contractors:

swimming pool construction

  • Make sure that the site where you want to place your swimming pool does not have any underground utilities installed such as water pipes, electrical wires, etc.

  • Decide on the design you would like to be applied on your swimming pool. Would it be a natural style or a standard concrete?

  • Try to contact several contractors near your area to ask the contracting price of making a swimming pool.

  • Let contractors have an ocular inspection on the site where you wanted your pool to be placed. They should be providing an estimate cost for the construction of your swimming pool. The estimate should include the type and style of pool desired, the approximate time to complete and any other expenses such as labor, equipments, etc.

  • Ask for references from each contractor. Contact the references to make sure if the contractor you have chosen is performing well in the industry.

  • Check to make sure that each contractor is fully licensed and insured, for your protection in the event of an accident or damage caused by job.

  • Ask for warranty and guarantee. A reliable contractor should be willing to provide one. Make sure you fully understand the terms and agreement for the warranty and guarantee.

  • Contact the concerned government unit like the Better Business Bureau to find out if there are any complaints filed about the contractors you are considering

  • Before making a decision on choosing your contractor, you may consider checking the price quoted, their experience, the response received from different references, the level of communication you received from the contractor and your own intuition.

  • When you have finally decided to which contractor you are going to use, be sure to get a contract in writing that clearly states the type of pool to be installed, the estimated time to complete and additional charges such as soil/tree removal or equipment fees.

Hope these guidelines help you in choosing your pool contractors that will be constructing your swimming pool. Always remember to get updates from the contractors so you can monitor all of the expenses and all other things that are needed for the construction of your pool.